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Small groups

People sat in discussion in a living room

How small groups help to grow faith

Small groups which are intentionally focused on discipleship are one of the most effective ways of growing faith. Healthy small groups enable each participant, whatever their age, background or faith experience, to take the next steps in their discipleship. 

Small groups focused on discipleship will also multiply leaders in the Church and often lead to a significant acceleration of fellowship, Bible study, witness, prayer and service.

How to lead a successful small group

The ‘6Ws’ is a framework for small groups that can lead to significant growth in discipleship.  

It is an adaptable framework that can be used in a wide variety of contexts. The framework is simple, but has all sorts of deep applications when used well.  

Introduction to 6Ws: A Framework for Small Groups 

The 6Ws are:

  1. Welcome = Creating community
  2. Worship = Focus on God
  3. Word = Exploring the Bible together
  4. Waiting = Prayer
  5. Witness = Focus on outward mission
  6. Weigh = Reflecting on the meeting

The significant benefits of the 6Ws framework are: 

  • Each step intentionally helps every participant grow in discipleship.
  • It can be used inter-generationally, especially with children from the age seven upwards.  
  • It’s great at accommodating newcomers and those who are exploring, or are new, to faith.
  • It’s a framework that helps to grow new leaders and leads to multiplying groups.

The 6Ws framework allows you to spend different amounts of time on each W depending on the needs /dynamics of each group.  So, a new group will need more attention given to Welcome; whereas more mature groups will be investing in Word, Waiting and Witness.

6Ws in more depth



For more information and ideas for leading small groups contact:

Parish Coordination Team: pct@cofeguildford.org.uk 

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