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We are the Diocese of Guildford
We are the Diocese of Guildford

Transforming Church, Transforming Lives

Since its launch in September 2016, the Diocese of Guildford has committed itself to the vision of a Transforming Church, Transforming Lives.

Our vision is of a diverse, growing, intergenerational church at the heart of each community, working alongside our chaplaincies and schools in living and proclaiming the Good News of God in Jesus Christ. 

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Pupils design an emblem to link school and church

10th February 2025

Holy Trinity Primary School and Church in West End have each unveiled and displayed a piece of art designed by Year 5 pupils to celebrate their connection.

St Paul's Addlestone- What does welcome mean?

6th February 2025

Watch a video on how St Paul's Addlestone offers a welcome to its diverse congregation, and has a wide range of nationalities represented at every level of church life.

Reverend Folli Olokose- Why mark Racial Justice Sunday?

3rd February 2025

An interview with The Revd Folli Olokose on how churches can welcome and celebrate diversity, and address issues of racial inequality.
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