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Gifts for survivors of Domestic Abuse

Date: 21 December 2022

 Christmas gifts for the victims of domestic abuse were handed over at Church House, Guildford, yesterday. 

Michelle Blunsom, MBE, and CEO of East Surrey Domestic Abuse Services accepted the gifts on behalf of Surrey Domestic Abuse Services, (SADA). The presents were donated as part of the Christmas Giving campaign for survivors of domestic abuse, men, women and children in Surrey.

 “Thank you so much to all who have donated gifts this Christmas for adult and child survivors of domestic abuse. Christmas can be an exceptionally difficult time of year for so many families who are living in fear or who have escaped from an abuser" says Michelle. "The kindness of our communities enables us to provide some light for families who often cannot see a way through. So thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We wish you a very peaceful Christmas."

Michelle is a highly valued member of our safeguarding governance structures,” says Jane Huttly, Acting Head of Safeguarding at the diocese. “She brings her expertise, wisdom and experience to all our work.”

 Sadly incidents of domestic abuse spike at Christmas time. Police forces across England and Wales will receive more than 100 calls an hour relating to  domestic abuse across the Christmas period. Alcohol and strained relationships in confined spaces are often cited as causes of the 25 percent rise in the crime.

The gifts will be warmly welcomed. Survivors of domestic abuse and their children often face Christmas  with little peace and joy and it is a time of increased fear and isolation .

 SADA have many families across Surrey being supported in the community by the  domestic abuse outreach services. 

 Find out how you could help bring some festive joy and treats to Surrey families, by donating a gift.  https://tinyurl.com/yc54htjk #SurreyAgainstDA.

 You can see Wish Lists through the Amazon website – gifts for men and women, for women and children. Perhaps your church or family could buy and donate gifts that can be delivered directly to Your Sanctuary

 “We will be contacting all parishes to do this in their settings so that all the church family can be involved in giving at this critical time, raising awareness of the impact of domestic abuse throughout the year,” says Jane.

 Support Services

 If you or someone you know is living with domestic abuse these organisations can provide expert help and support:

 Surrey Against Domestic Abuse

Hampshire Domestic Abuse Support

Support in W Sussex

Kingston Borough


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