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How were they called? - Dave Bixby

Date: 23 June 2022

With the annual services of ordination just over a week away we wanted to start sharing some of the stories behind the people who will be wearing the dog collars. We start off with Dave Bixby from the parish of St Mary with St John in Walton-on-Thames who will be ordained as a Deacon.

"I have, for many years, felt a calling to church leadership.  As I found myself responding to God's promptings He has given me a greater desire to dedicate my life serving His church and helping other people deepen their relationship with Jesus.  The Rev'd Alex Munro and the Rev'd Richard Lloyd really encouraged me to explore ordination.  I hadn't considered that path before, but as I have, I have received more confirmation that this is the task that God has called me to.  One thing I have learned in life is to not compromise on what God calls us to.  He has a plan and His will be done. The bible verse that has always stuck with me is 1 Timothy 3:1 "Whoever aspires to be an overseer desires a noble task" (NIV)."

All are invited to celebrate and welcome the candidates at Guildford Cathedral on the weekend of 2nd and 3rdJuly. For more details, visit our ordinations page. If you feel a calling and would like to explore a path of ordination, please visit our vocations page.

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