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How were they called? | Ellie Lister

Ellie Lister is one of the new deacons being ordained at Guildford Cathedral on Sunday 2nd July and shares her story of being called to church ministry.

"My sense of call has been a long, gently persistent journey, which began 12 years ago when I went on a prayer walk at a retreat centre. As I walked, every footpath I planned to take was closed. Eventually, I came across a tiny gate I’d never noticed before. It was open, and delicious blackberries were growing along the way. The footpath took me straight to the chapel, and a cassock lying on a chair. I felt the Lord say, “I’m calling you to walk with me towards ordination. The path you take won’t be one you expect, and it may take you along some unexpected side paths, but there will be good things to nourish you and to enjoy along the way.”

This has certainly been my experience. Family illnesses, and then my own 3-year Long-Covid journey, have taken me along unexpected and sometimes unwanted paths. Throughout, Psalm 23 has been my prayer and encouragement. God has been faithful, providing good nourishment along the way. I am excited for all that is to come, knowing that, whatever paths lie ahead, Jesus the Good Shepherd walks beside me."

Find out more about the ordination services taking place this year.

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