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How were they called? | Richard Allan

Richard Allan is one of the new deacons being ordained at Guildford Cathedral on Sunday 2nd July and shares his story of being called to church ministry.

"God’s call to ordained ministry has taken thirty-five years to come to fruition. During this period He has graciously shaped my calling to what it is today; some doors have opened, whilst others have closed. Although the road has twisted and turned along the way, God has remained faithful throughout; His steadfast love endures for ever. As the twilight years of life beckon, my prayer is that I remain a faithful servant to His call, that by His grace I am equipped to selflessly shepherd His flock in Alfold and Loxwood, and come the end, I finish well.

One of my favourite Bible verses is Psalm 23:1-3. "No matter which path I take through the Valley of Death, I lack nothing because the eternal Lord is my Shepherd" – game, set and match!"

Find out more about the ordination services taking place this year.

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