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Molesey Love Mondays

Date: 08 January 2023

‘Manic Monday’, ‘I don’t like Mondays’, even ‘Monday Monday’. Popular culture is littered with references to the day at the start of the school and working week, not being a favourite of many.

But the view’s different in Molesey.

“Love Mondays is our weekly drop-in event for those in years 10 and above,” explains Gideon Bridgman Youth-Outreach Worker at St Peter’s in the town, which started in the summer term in 2021. 

“All of the young people that we meet live locally. We have come know through the church’s Youth Drop-in that runs straight after school during the week,” explains Gideon. “As none of the young people come from a "churched" background or profess Christian faith, so we are really focused on building relationships and discipling them. We like to very gently introduce them to faith through discussion.” 

Love Mondays is something that Gideon’s youth worker introduced him to when he was a young person. “It’s the reason to look forward to and love Mondays,” he says. 

The session runs every Monday evening in a room at the St Peter's Community and Youth Hub. The church has a lease from the local council for these types of projects at the venue. 

“Each week we sit and eat together and talk about the best and worst parts of our day,” says Gideon. “It has really developed into a little community and brought a group of young people who otherwise wouldn't spend time together. One person has remarked, several times, that being there is like family and that they really miss people when they aren't there. Over this last year they have become friends and some of them have even been on holiday together.”

“Love Mondays is definitely planting seeds, which we hope will grow into a strong faith,” says Gideon.

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