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Safeguarding Adults Week, 20 - 24 November 2023

Safeguarding Adults Week is an annual event, providing the opportunity for churches, schools and organisations to raise awareness of important safeguarding issues. It’s a great time to start new conversations in congregations and communities and to raise awareness of safeguarding best practices. 

This year, Safeguarding Adults Week, resourced and led by the Ann Craft Trust, is focusing on the link between safeguarding and our physical and mental wellbeing. 

Safeguarding is the responsibility of all staff, volunteers and individuals within a church, an organisation or the wider community. At the Diocese of Guildford we think that it’s important to recognise and learn more about safeguarding as it's our responsibility as Christian’s to protect vulnerable people, children and adults. 

‘Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. 
Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.’ Proverbs 31: 8-9 

We need to run our churches and our activities with heads and hearts that promote and support a safe place for everyone. 

There are too many stories of abuse in all areas of society, including the church, and we need to protect the people we care for. 

Throughout Safeguarding Adults Week the Ann Craft Trust are promoting a different key theme to focus on each day, along with activities and resources for churches and individuals to use:

  • 20 Monday - ‘Who’s looking after the people looking after the people?’
  • 21 Tuesday - ‘Let’s Start Talking’, a session encouraging participants to reflect on the culture within their organisation.
  • 22 Wednesday - ‘Looking After Yourself & Others: Ann Craft Trust Safeguarding Adults Conference 2023’. A selection of keynotes and workshops on effective techniques for safeguarding the wellbeing of yourself, your staff and the people you support.
  • 24 Friday -  ‘Developing Your Wellbeing Toolkit’. 

Book your place on the seminars, access free resources and find out more about Safeguarding Adults Week.

As well as the resources from Ann Craft, you can also make use of resources from our friends at the Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board, including an email banner, poster and even a word search to help engage a slightly different audience.

The Diocese of Guildford is committed to achieving the best possible standards of safeguarding. We have an up-to-date Safeguarding page on our website with advice on reporting safeguarding concerns, support for survivors and safeguarding training. If you would like to talk to our safeguarding team you’ll find their contact details on the page too. 

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