The PSO is a vital champion to advise, shape and implement policies, practices and training to safeguard children, young people and vulnerable adults, so it cannot be overstated how important the role is. Thank you so much for volunteering!
Whether you’re new to this role, or have been in post for some time, there are some helpful support services:
If you are new in post
Step 1
Please register your details below. This ensures we can add you to the bi-monthly PSO newsletter, give you access to your Parish Dashboard and offer you support as you start in role.
Step 2
Please read the roles and responsibilities of a Parish Safeguarding Officer
Step 3
Please check the safeguarding training page for PSO training requirements.
Step 4
Contact the diocesan safeguarding team with any questions.
Step 5
Join us on our next PSO Induction/Refresher morning.
Come and meet other PSOs and members of the Diocesan Safeguarding Team. This session will strengthen your understanding of your role and equip you to discharge your safeguarding responsibilities. Completion of Basic Awareness and Foundations modules is a prerequisite of attendance. This session will be delivered in person.
Our next Parish Safeguarding Induction/Refresher will be held on Saturday 28th September 9:30am - 12:30pm. Please sign up here.
Quick links for all PSOs
- The Safeguarding team is here to support, advise and train you. Please feel free to contact us with any questions.
- The Safeguarding pages will be really key for you, so become familiar with all of this information.
- Safeguarding resources are also on the national Church of England website.
Keeping in touch
All parish officers are encouraged to sign up for the diocesan regular emailed newsletter to keep in touch with all that’s happening across the diocese.