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Busy confirmation day for Bishop Jo

Date: 28 November 2022

Thirty Christians from eleven different churches were confirmed by Bishop Jo recently.

Clear blue skies and bright sunshine greeted the 15 candidates drawn from St James’ Rowledge and the Benefice of Haslemere and Grayswood.

The core of the group has been going to St James’ Wednesday evening youth group, #hungry. Ad?le Regan is the church’s Youth and Children’s minister. “We’ve been working with and nurturing them for years,?not only through the church but also at the local CofE primary school,” she says. “They are very much part of our village community. It’s been wonderful to see them thriving in their faith and the impact that’s having on their families.”

Six of the eight young people from St James’ come from families who don’t regularly go to church.

Meanwhile, an Alpha Course in Farsi helped contribute some of the 15 candidates for the service at St Paul’s Camberley.?

Three Iranians were confirmed. Two are a refugee family from the Islamic Republic who had fled their home country because of the threat of persecution. The two newly arrived refugees were also baptised (via full immersion) at the service.

“As they came out of the water, the shout of celebration from the couple’s children was so joyful,” says the Revd?Sophie Lovesmith, curate at St Paul’s. “It was special to have the Iranians making that stand and showing the young people just how much some have to sacrifice to follow Christ. It had a profound impact on them.” ?

Ten young people came through from the Deanery Youth Alpha course for the service.

Bishop Jo presided at both services. “Two confirmations in one day? – the Holy Spirit was kept busy! – and in both cases, we evidenced how God is working among young people to outnumber the adults. Their testimonies – on a leaflet, on video and in person – helped us hear and see God’s transforming power, not least the power of forgiveness. It felt tangible as we worshipped together – and my goodness, how it makes the heart sing! Our diocese has committed to ‘growing disciples, growing diversity and growing community’ – and all three were in evidence together in Rowledge and Camberley, and the nine other churches involved.”

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