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LIFT & HIIT Classes Help With Mental Health

Date: 24 June 2022

Today we're concluding our short sports ministry series. Former Curate at All Saints' New Haw, Phil Barlow, saw the benefits of using group exercise classes to not only support physical health but also the mental health of those in the community.

"Something that we all have in common in our parishes is that there are far too many people suffering from mental health issues like stress, anxiety and loneliness.

Regular exercise and even more so, exercising in a group, can really help. All Saints’ New Haw has developed a couple of regular fitness groups.

One of the groups meet for a HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) and while another offers LIFT (Low intensity Functional Training) classes. 

The LIFT classes are for our seniors and anyone who is getting over an injury or perhaps operation and has any kind of reduced mobility. HIIT’s for everyone else! 

The classes are fun and exercises vary every week to keep things interesting. 

Besides helping people with their fitness and mental health, the classes also offer us an opportunity to meet our community and build relationships. We pray in time people begin a rapport with the Church and ultimately Jesus."

You can find out more by visiting All Saints' website.

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