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Never too young to make a difference

Date: 04 March 2022

Six Church of England schools took part in an Eco Day, jointly organised by the Diocesan Education Team and Guildford Cathedral on 3 March.

All the pupils that attended are members of their school’s Eco Team, “Students who are particularly passionate and involved in the environmental agenda,” says Canon Jane Whittington, the Schools Officer Christian Distinctiveness.

The purpose of the day was to help the children and the staff to think about the critical question, “Why does it matter for Christians to care for God’s world?"

The full day for the five to seven year olds was a mixture of activities, including prayer and reflection stations that the children could engage with. With the help of a large globe and sticking plasters, they thought about how the environment is damaged and what they can do to improve it. Other workshops focused on the importance of insects and carbon in the world.

“We have deliberately targeted the youngest pupils,” says Jane. “We have a phrase in Church education, ‘courageous advocacy’ which is about realising you’re never too small to make a difference. A great outcome would be for all the children to go home knowing that they can all make a difference.” 

The day ended with a short act of collective worship led by the Diocesan Education Team and The Very Reverend DiannaGwilliams, Dean of Guildford.

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