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New Independent Chair of DSAP

Profile of Colin Mathews up against a blank grey wallWe are delighted to welcome Colin Mathews as Independent Chair of the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisory Panel (DSAP). DSAP provides oversight of our safeguarding arrangements across the diocese, including independent advice, scrutiny challenge and expertise on case management safeguarding policies, procedures and practices. 

Membership includes representatives from our external safeguarding partners, Social Services, Police, Victim Support and Domestic Abuse outreach as well as parish representation, as part of our commitment to transparency and accountability in safeguarding.

DSAP can, and does, hold the diocese to account on safeguarding effectiveness. You can contact the Independent Chair at colin.mathews@cofeguildford.org.uk.

Colin brings a wealth of experience to the role of Independent Chair, read below what he has to say about joining us

"I was brought up in Guildford and attended The Royal Grammar School in the 70s and 80s. I return to the town, and wider Surrey, regularly to visit family and friends. I spent thirty years as a police officer in Hampshire, almost entirely as a detective. In the latter years of my service I was involved in the management of safeguarding and public protection, and then spent a further five years as a civilian serious case reviewer for the force - this involved multi agency safeguarding reviews of both policy and practice and bringing forward recommendations for improvements.

I retired from this work in 2022 and am now looking forward to working with Guildford Diocese to build on the what has already been achieved, and to further improve the church's awareness and response to safeguarding and protecting vulnerable people."

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