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Nepali Christmas comes to Aldershot

First published on: 7th December 2022

Celebrating Christmas with the local Nepalese community in Aldershot.

Church sponsors Christmas Window Competition

First published on: 1st December 2022

Haslemere Parish sponsorship of town's Christmas Window competition is 'the church's Christmas present to the town!'

Busy confirmation day for Bishop Jo

First published on: 28th November 2022

Bishop Jo presided two amazing confirmation services in one day, seeing 30 people confirmed!

Creating refuge for fleeing families

First published on: 26th November 2022

Women's Aid can offer refuge to women and their children needing to flee an abusive relationship.

16 Days to raise awareness and make a difference

First published on: 25th November 2022

25 November marks the start of the annual campaign of 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence.

Special day for teachers starting the new year

First published on: 24th November 2022

The teaching staff from one of our schools prepared for the new academic year in a wonderfully creative way.

400 attend Church Growth Conference

First published on: 22nd November 2022

This year's Church Growth Conference saw 400 attend to hear from some great speakers on discipleship and evangelism.

Safeguarding team speaks on special Sunday

First published on: 17th November 2022

Sunday 20 November marks Safeguarding Sunday, with the Safeguarding team helping raise awareness across the diocese.

Remembrance marked across the diocese

First published on: 16th November 2022

Churches across the diocese mark Remembrance Sunday.

Why can the Church be a sanctuary?

First published on: 15th November 2022

A recent address to Diocesan Synod about how church can be a sanctuary and why safeguarding is so very important...

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