Here you can find documents used across our website, everything from policies and regulations to resources and support documents for the ministries you serve. You will hopefully find specific documents on the subject pages, but please feel free to use the search function and tags (groupings by subject matter) below to help you filter and find the document(s) you are looking for. You can even select multiple tags and ensure results match all tags to filter your search even further.
11 Slides
Script and reflection for week 11 summer 24
Slides for week 11 summer 24
Turning the wheel explanation notes
Turning the wheel ppt
Slides week 11 Spring 24
Script and prayer station week 11 Spring 24
Script and refection for week 12 summer 24
Slides for week 12 summer 24
12 Script
12 Slides
script and prayer station week 12 Spring 24
slides week 12 Spring 24
Week 13 Script
Week 13 Slides
Building wisely explanation notes